Event Calendar

Friday, October 25, 2024

Building Enclosure Commissioning - NY

Start Date: 10/25/2024 8:00 AM PDT
End Date: 10/25/2024 5:00 PM PDT

Venue Name: Skanska Offices

1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY  United States  20723-6099

Organization Name: BCxA

Sheri Adams
Email: sadams@bcxa.org
Phone: (877) 666-2292

This course is qualified for 6 AIA/CES learning units.

This seminar introduces the Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx) process by outlining key quality-based tasks that achieve a successful building enclosure.  The workshop focuses on BECx activities from predesign to occupancy and operation.  Topics include defining the building enclosure and performance requirements, developing the Owner’s Project Requirements; creating the BECx plan; critical building science and architectural issues to address in design review and specifications; construction observation; and performance verification testing.  The seminar also describes how an Owner’s risk can be reduced by undertaking BECx, LEED V4 BECx requirements, and commissioning goals.  The intended audience includes building owners and developers, architects, engineers, construction managers, contractors, and commissioning providers.  

  • Determine the building enclosure commissioning tasks necessary to manage the risks involved in designing, constructing, using, and maintaining a building enclosure. 
  • Implement the tasks associated with the building enclosure commissioning process 
  • Describe the performance verification testing and appropriate testing schedule for building enclosure systems and assemblies. 
  • Explain how the new requirements of LEED v4 and related industry documents impact BECx. 


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Closed: 10/24/2024 10:49 AM

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